0121 520 5367    Email the Church


The Day Centre is staffed by a core team of paid employees, although still relies on volunteers to continue its work in the community.  There are a wide variety of roles and we are always looking for people to join us, either on a regular basis or on relief.  The work is appreciated by us and our clients.

Care Assistant -  One of the most important aspects of this role is a willingness and ability with to sit with Service Users and engage in conversation. Many Service Users spend many hours alone and appreciate a little quality time.

Kitchen duties - We have volunteers to help clear away after lunch.  Everything needs to be washed up and tided away, they would also assist with serving afternoon tea and cakes to service users during the afternoon.

Mini-bus driver - although we employee a regular driver, we are always looking for relief drivers to help cover holidays and sickness.  Our bus picks up clients from the surrounding area in the morning and takes them home in the afternoon.  These journeys take approximately 1 1/2 hours.  Full training is given.

Bus escort - these volunteers assist the driver to ensure that the service users are safe at all times.  Full training is given.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact  us for more details.

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