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The centre is bright, cheerful and members are made to feel very welcome by the caring team. Older people are collected from their homes in our tail lift minibus and a range of activities take place throughout the day. 

All food is cooked on the premises and a main meal is available at lunchtime.  Meals and sandwiches can also be purchased to take home if desired. Assistance with personal care needs is provided if needed. 

As people age many need assistance to continue living in their own homes. Together with basic help, older people need social interaction and thoroughly enjoy a day out at the Day Centre in the company of others. 

If you are an older person or care for an older person, maybe you would like to call into our centre and discuss the possibility of your friend or family member joining us. 

Loneliness should not go hand in hand with older age and Ryders Green will provide the opportunity to add a dimension of the highest quality to an older person’s life. 


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